Das von Deutschlehrern gesäte Stilempfinden gibt es im Englischen nicht, mangelnde Variation von Verben wird hier nicht negativ goutiert. Das kann aber nicht bedeuten, daß sich der Englisch-Lerner auf "Allerweltsverben" wie think, say, tell und ask beschränken sollte: Auch in einer Fremdsprache sollte man üben und in der Lage sein, Gedanken und Äußerungen präzise wiederzugeben. Diese Liste umfaßt die wichtigsten Verben:
English | German | Examples |
to add | hinzufügen | "And I'm sure I'm right," he added. |
to admit | zugeben | "I took that slice of cake," she admitted. |
to agree | zustimmen | I asked her for more pocket money and she agreed. |
to announce | ankündigen | They announced that they were going to emigrate to Australia. |
to answer | (be)antworten | He didn't answer (my question). "No, I won't," she answered. |
to approve (of) | billigen, gutheißen; annehmen | They approved of the candidate. We approved the minutes. |
to argue | streiten; behaupten | "With that attitude you are going to fail the exam," she argued. |
to ask | fragen; bitten | "I want to ask a question". He asked his boss for a pay increase. |
to assert | behaupten, beteuern | "I am absolutely innocent," he asserted in court. |
to assume | annehmen, vermuten | I assume you are innocent. Don't always assume the worst. |
to assure | versichern, zusichern | She assured me that it was the shortest way. |
to believe | glauben | She did not believe what he was telling him. |
to claim | behaupten; sich berufen auf | The doctors claim that working 80 hours a week is dangerous. |
to command | befehlen; abnötigen; verfügen | "Do as I command (you)!". She commands our respect. |
to comment (on) | sich äußern über; äußern | She commented (on the decision) that 80 hours a were too much. |
to conclude (from) | (schluß)folgern | He concludes (from the findings) that 80 hours are dangerous. |
to confirm | bestätigen | Can you confirm what happened? Have they ~ed their reservation? |
to consider | überlegen, Erwägung ziehen | She is considering buying a car. He considers her (as) an expert. |
to declare | erklären, kundtun, versichern | "I'll help you!" she declared. The court declared the action illegal. |
to decree | an-, verordnen, dekretieren | The president decreed a week of mourning. |
to deny | abstreiten, leugnen | He has denied any responsibility. She denied the reports. |
to direct | anweisen; richten, lenken | His boss directed him to answer. He directed our attention to ... |
to disagree | nicht einverstanden sein | Even friends may disagree. He disagreed with me and said: ... |
to disapprove | dagegen sei, mißbilligen | She strongly disapproved of my plan to buy a new computer. |
to dispute | (be)streiten, sich str. über | Nobody is disputing that there's a problem. I dispute these figures. |
to enquire / inquire | sich erkundigen (nach) | I'm going to call the station to enquire about the train times. |
to explain | erklären, erläutern | Let me explain the rules. She explained to them what to do next. |
to express | ausdrücken zum A. bringen. | Let me express my views. He couldn't express himself clearly. |
to grapple with | sich auseinandersetzen mit | He had been grappling with that problem for a long time. |
to come / get to grips with | angehen, zu Leibe rücken | She was too discouraged to come to grip with the problem. Let's get to grips with this new challenge! |
to hint (at) | andeuten; hindeuten (auf) | What are you hinting at? He hinted that there might be a problem. |
to indicate | deuten auf, andeuten | The manager indicated that he was going to meet the demands. |
to inform | informieren | The manager informed us of dramatic drop in turnover. |
to instruct | unterrichten; anweisen, instru. | She instructs us in biology. She has instructed us what to do. |
to interrupt | unterbrechen, ins Wort fallen | "I have a question," she interrupted. Sorry to interrupt, but ... |
to intervene | einschreiten, intervenieren | "Shouldn't we help them?" she intervened. |
to know | wissen, kennen | She knew what he was going to say. He was known as the "King". |
to learn | lernen, erfahren | I learn English. I've just learnt/learned who she is. |
to let know | wissen lassen | I'll let you know tomorrow if I have time. |
to maintain | behaupten, theory vertreten | He maintained (that) he had not killed the victim. |
to mention | erwähnen | He didn't mention it. Nobody mentioned anything to me about it. |
to murmur | murmeln; murren | "OK," he murmured. She kept murmuring about the accident. |
to name | nenne, bezeichnen | Can you name the Belgian capital? Name your price! |
to object | Einwände haben, protestieren | They object to this plan. He objected that the price was too high. |
to observe | be(ob)achten; feststellen | I observed that it was too late for lunch. |
to oppose | ablehnen, entgegensetzen | She opposed her boss / all plans to dismiss the workers. |
to order | an-, verordnen; bestellen | The chairman ordered silence. The doctor orders me to take ... |
to ponder | nachdenken über; erwägen | I pondered over her words. I pondered the consequences. |
to presume | annehmen, vermuten | This notebook is very expensive, I presume? It is presumed that ... |
to proclaim | erklären, proklamieren | The president proclaimed a new era of mutual understanding. |
to propose | vorschlagen; vorhaben | The manager proposed major changes in the company. |
to protest | protestieren; beteuern | We must protest (against/at) this decision. He ~ed his innocence. |
to put forward | vorbringen, vorschlagen | Let me put forward another proposal. She put forward a candidate. |
to quote | zitieren | Don't quote me! Can you quote any verses of the poem? |
to reason (~ out of, into) | logisch denken, vernünftig reden (aus-, überreden) | Only human beings can reason. "This isn't logical," she reasoned. We tried to reason with him / to ~ him out of / into doing ... |
to reassure | beteuern; beruhigen | The doctor reassured me that nothing was wrong. |
to reflect (on) | reflektieren; nachdenken über | I need more time to reflect. She reflected on the offer. |
to reject | ab-, zurückweisen, ablehnen | I have to reject your claim. The candidates were rejected. |
to remark | bemerken, eine B. machen | "This is a good idea," she remarked. |
to repeat | wiederholen | I had to repeat my question. "Are you sure," he repeated? |
to report | berichten | He reports seeing the accident. The crime was ~ed to the police. |
to say | sagen | "Hello!" she said. "That's a great idea," said Tom. It is said that ... |
to shout | schreien, rufen | He shouted to her across the room. "Watch out!" she shouted. |
to speculate | grübeln (on = über) | We speculated about his reasons to quit / why he quit. |
to state | vortragen, nennen | He has stated his intention clearly. The facts are clearly stated. |
to suggest | vorschlagen, nahelegen | I suggest white wine. This mark suggests that you haven't learnt. |
to sum up | zusammenfassen, abschätzen | To sum up: We have three problems. Let me sum up the situation. |
to summarize | zusammenfassen | Please summarize the novel! He summarized the findings. |
to support | (unter)stützen; erhärten | We all support your proposal. The evidence supports his story. |
to suppose | annehmen, voraussetzen | You're right, I suppose. Suppose this is true, what should we do? |
to tackle | zur Rede stellen; in Angriff n. | Go tackle him about his debts! It's time to tackle my homework! |
to tell | erzählen; beauftragen | He told the news to everybody. She told him what to do. |
to verify | überprüfen, bestätigen | The court is going to verify this statement. Her fears were verified. |
to want to know would like to know | wissen wollen | The policeman wants to know where you were and what you did on this evening. I'd (= would) like to know what you think about it. |
to warn | warnen | He warned us against thieves, i. e. not to leave our ... unattended. |
to whisper | flüstern, wispern | "Look, there!" she whispered. He whispered that he felt afraid. |
to wonder | sich fragen | They wondered where he was. I wonder what this means. |
to yell | schreien, brüllen | "It hurts!" he yelled out in pain. "That's a lie!" she yelled. |