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Aussageverben · Verbs for Statements of Thought  PDF-Datei: Verbs for Statements of Thoughts

Wer hat das nicht im Deutschunterricht gelernt: Man solle nicht immer nur sagen, fragen, denken und meinen, es gebe ja schließlich noch andere Verben für das, was man denkt und sagt. Aufsätze waren allzu oft mit einem großen W (für 'Wiederholung') am Seitenrand garniert. Viele Generationen ehemaliger Schüler beschleicht noch nach Jahrzehnten ein Gefühl stilistischer Minderwertigkeit, wenn sie zweimal dasselbe Wort verwenden. Ein solches Schuldgefühl sollte sich aber niemand einreden lassen, denn es beruht auf einem Mißverständnis: Das Ziel einer solchen Wortfeld-Übung darf nicht sein, Schüler zwanghaft immer neue Worte für dieselbe Sprechabsicht suchen zu lassen, sondern sie zu befähigen, aus einem großen Wortschatz das genau passende auszusuchen. Wer sich seiner eigenen Muttersprache sicher ist, kann und wird sich ohnehin von formalen Vorschriften lösen und sogar ganz bewußt ein Wort immer wieder verwenden, wenn es das richtige ist und wenn seine Wiederholung die Sprechabsicht noch unterstreicht.

Das von Deutschlehrern gesäte Stilempfinden gibt es im Englischen nicht, mangelnde Variation von Verben wird hier nicht negativ goutiert. Das kann aber nicht bedeuten, daß sich der Englisch-Lerner auf "Allerweltsverben" wie think, say, tell und ask beschränken sollte: Auch in einer Fremdsprache sollte man üben und in der Lage sein, Gedanken und Äußerungen präzise wiederzugeben. Diese Liste umfaßt die wichtigsten Verben:

to addhinzufügen"And I'm sure I'm right," he added.
to admitzugeben"I took that slice of cake," she admitted.
to agreezustimmenI asked her for more pocket money and she agreed.
to announceankündigenThey announced that they were going to emigrate to Australia.
to answer(be)antwortenHe didn't answer (my question). "No, I won't," she answered.
to approve (of)billigen, gutheißen; annehmenThey approved of the candidate. We approved the minutes.
to arguestreiten; behaupten"With that attitude you are going to fail the exam," she argued.
to askfragen; bitten"I want to ask a question". He asked his boss for a pay increase.
to assertbehaupten, beteuern"I am absolutely innocent," he asserted in court.
to assumeannehmen, vermutenI assume you are innocent. Don't always assume the worst.
to assureversichern, zusichernShe assured me that it was the shortest way.
to believeglaubenShe did not believe what he was telling him.
to claimbehaupten; sich berufen aufThe doctors claim that working 80 hours a week is dangerous.
to commandbefehlen; abnötigen; verfügen"Do as I command (you)!". She commands our respect.
to comment (on)sich äußern über; äußernShe commented (on the decision) that 80 hours a were too much.
to conclude (from)(schluß)folgernHe concludes (from the findings) that 80 hours are dangerous.
to confirmbestätigenCan you confirm what happened? Have they ~ed their reservation?
to considerüberlegen, Erwägung ziehenShe is considering buying a car. He considers her (as) an expert.
to declareerklären, kundtun, versichern"I'll help you!" she declared. The court declared the action illegal.
to decreean-, verordnen, dekretierenThe president decreed a week of mourning.
to denyabstreiten, leugnenHe has denied any responsibility. She denied the reports.
to directanweisen; richten, lenkenHis boss directed him to answer. He directed our attention to ...
to disagreenicht einverstanden seinEven friends may disagree. He disagreed with me and said: ...
to disapprovedagegen sei, mißbilligenShe strongly disapproved of my plan to buy a new computer.
to dispute(be)streiten, sich str. überNobody is disputing that there's a problem. I dispute these figures.
to enquire / inquiresich erkundigen (nach)I'm going to call the station to enquire about the train times.
to explainerklären, erläuternLet me explain the rules. She explained to them what to do next.
to expressausdrücken zum A. bringen.Let me express my views. He couldn't express himself clearly.
to grapple withsich auseinandersetzen mitHe had been grappling with that problem for a long time.
to come / get to grips withangehen, zu Leibe rückenShe was too discouraged to come to grip with the problem.
Let's get to grips with this new challenge!
to hint (at)andeuten; hindeuten (auf)What are you hinting at? He hinted that there might be a problem.
to indicatedeuten auf, andeutenThe manager indicated that he was going to meet the demands.
to informinformierenThe manager informed us of dramatic drop in turnover.
to instructunterrichten; anweisen, instru.She instructs us in biology. She has instructed us what to do.
to interruptunterbrechen, ins Wort fallen"I have a question," she interrupted. Sorry to interrupt, but ...
to interveneeinschreiten, intervenieren"Shouldn't we help them?" she intervened.
to knowwissen, kennenShe knew what he was going to say. He was known as the "King".
to learnlernen, erfahrenI learn English. I've just learnt/learned who she is.
to let knowwissen lassenI'll let you know tomorrow if I have time.
to maintainbehaupten, theory vertretenHe maintained (that) he had not killed the victim.
to mentionerwähnenHe didn't mention it. Nobody mentioned anything to me about it.
to murmurmurmeln; murren"OK," he murmured. She kept murmuring about the accident.
to namenenne, bezeichnenCan you name the Belgian capital? Name your price!
to objectEinwände haben, protestierenThey object to this plan. He objected that the price was too high.
to observebe(ob)achten; feststellenI observed that it was too late for lunch.
to opposeablehnen, entgegensetzenShe opposed her boss / all plans to dismiss the workers.
to orderan-, verordnen; bestellenThe chairman ordered silence. The doctor orders me to take ...
to pondernachdenken über; erwägenI pondered over her words. I pondered the consequences.
to presumeannehmen, vermutenThis notebook is very expensive, I presume? It is presumed that ...
to proclaimerklären, proklamierenThe president proclaimed a new era of mutual understanding.
to proposevorschlagen; vorhabenThe manager proposed major changes in the company.
to protestprotestieren; beteuernWe must protest (against/at) this decision. He ~ed his innocence.
to put forwardvorbringen, vorschlagenLet me put forward another proposal. She put forward a candidate.
to quotezitierenDon't quote me! Can you quote any verses of the poem?
to reason
(~ out of, into)
logisch denken, vernünftig reden (aus-, überreden)Only human beings can reason. "This isn't logical," she reasoned. We tried to reason with him / to ~ him out of / into doing ...
to reassurebeteuern; beruhigenThe doctor reassured me that nothing was wrong.
to reflect (on)reflektieren; nachdenken überI need more time to reflect. She reflected on the offer.
to rejectab-, zurückweisen, ablehnenI have to reject your claim. The candidates were rejected.
to remarkbemerken, eine B. machen"This is a good idea," she remarked.
to repeatwiederholenI had to repeat my question. "Are you sure," he repeated?
to reportberichtenHe reports seeing the accident. The crime was ~ed to the police.
to saysagen"Hello!" she said. "That's a great idea," said Tom. It is said that ...
to shoutschreien, rufenHe shouted to her across the room. "Watch out!" she shouted.
to speculategrübeln (on = über)We speculated about his reasons to quit / why he quit.
to statevortragen, nennenHe has stated his intention clearly. The facts are clearly stated.
to suggestvorschlagen, nahelegenI suggest white wine. This mark suggests that you haven't learnt.
to sum upzusammenfassen, abschätzenTo sum up: We have three problems. Let me sum up the situation.
to summarizezusammenfassenPlease summarize the novel! He summarized the findings.
to support(unter)stützen; erhärtenWe all support your proposal. The evidence supports his story.
to supposeannehmen, voraussetzenYou're right, I suppose. Suppose this is true, what should we do?
to tacklezur Rede stellen; in Angriff n.Go tackle him about his debts! It's time to tackle my homework!
to tellerzählen; beauftragenHe told the news to everybody. She told him what to do.
to verifyüberprüfen, bestätigenThe court is going to verify this statement. Her fears were verified.
to want to know
would like to know
wissen wollenThe policeman wants to know where you were and what you did on this evening. I'd (= would) like to know what you think about it.
to warnwarnenHe warned us against thieves, i. e. not to leave our ... unattended.
to whisperflüstern, wispern"Look, there!" she whispered. He whispered that he felt afraid.
to wondersich fragenThey wondered where he was. I wonder what this means.
to yellschreien, brüllen"It hurts!" he yelled out in pain. "That's a lie!" she yelled.

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