Maße · Measures 
1a. Time units · Zeiteinheiten 
1 second | = | — |
1 minute | = | 60 seconds |
1 hour | = | 60 minutes |
1 day | = | 24 hours |
1 week | = | 7 days |
1 month
| = | 28–31 days |
1 quarter (year) | = | 3 months |
1 year | = | 12 months & 365/366 days |
1 quinennium | = | 5 years |
1 decade | = | 10 years |
1 century | = | 100 years |
1 millennium plural: millennia | = | 1000 years |
1b. Temporal names · Zeitnamen 
Days | | Months | | Special days / Holidays |
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday |
January February March April June July August September October November December |
Ascension Day bank holiday Christmas Day Christmas Eve Corpus Christi Easter Whitsun / Whit Monday anniversary wedding anniversary centenary Am.: centennial bicentenary Am.: bicentennial birthday / name-day |
Christi Himmelfahrt 1 öffentl. Feiertag Weihnachtstag Heiligabend Fronleichnam Ostern Pfingsten / Pfingstmontag Jahrestag Hochzeitstag 100th anniversary
200th anniversary
Geburtstag / Namenstag |
interactive exercise
2. Linear measures · Längenmaße
1 inch | in | 1" | = | — | = | 2,54 cm | (1 Zoll) |
1 foot | ft | 1' | = | 12 inches | = | 30,84 cm | (1 Fuß) |
1 yard | yd | | = | 3 feet | = | 91,44 cm | (1 Yard) |
1 furlong | fur | | = | 220 yards | = | 201,17 m | |
1 mile | m | | = | 1760 yards | = | 1,609 km | (1 Meile) |
1 league | | | = | 3 miles | = | 4,828 km | |
3. Square measures · Flächenmaße
1 square inch | | — | = | 6,452 cm2 |
1 square foot | = | 144 sq inches | = | 929,029 cm2 |
1 square yard | = | 9 sg feet | = | 0,836 m2 |
1 square rod | = | 30,25 sq yards | = | 25,25 m2 |
1 acre | = | 4840 sq yards | = | 40,47 Ar |
1 square mile | = | 640 acres | = | 2,59 km2 |
4. Cubic measures · Raummaße
1 cubic inch | | — | = | 16,387 cm3 |
1 cubic foot | = | 1728 cu inches | = | 0,028 m3 |
1 cubic yard | = | 27 cu feet | = | 0,765 m3 |
1 register ton | = | 100 cu feet | = | 2,832 m3 |
5. Liquid measures of capacity · Flüssigkeitsmaße
| British | US Am. |
1 gill | | | — | = | 0,142 l | 0,118 l |
1 pint | pt | = | 4 gills | = | 0,568 l | 0,473 l |
1 quart | qt | = | 2 pints | = | 1,136 l | 0,946 |
1 gallon | gal | = | 4 quarts | = | 4,546 l | 3,785 l |
1 barrel | | = | Br. oil: 35 gallons Am. oil: 42 gallons Br. beer: 36 gallons | = = = | 159,106 l — 163,656 l | — 159,106 l — |
6. Temperature · Temperatur
Fahrenheit °F | Celsius °C | | Celsius °C | Fahrenheit °F |
0 | – 17,8 | – 10 | 14 |
32 | 0 | 0 | 32 |
50 | 10 | 10 | 50 |
70 | 21,1 | 20 | 68 |
90 | 32,2 | 30 | 86 |
98,4 | 37 | 37 | 98,4 |
212 | 100 | 100 | 212 |
Conversion: subtract 32 and multiply by 5/9 |
Conversion: multiply by 9/5 and add 32 |
Umrechnung: Ziehen Sie 32 ab, und multiplizieren Sie mit 5/9 |
Umrechnung: Multiplizieren Sie mit 9/5, und addieren Sie 32 |