Bindewörter · Sentence Connectives 
1. Connectives to indicate order:
English | German | Examples |
To begin with, ... | Zunächst (einmal) ... | To begin with, your are not qualified enough. |
next | als nächstes | Next, we will have to buy some beer and orange juice. |
firstly | zuerst, zunächst | You can always contact me, firstly in my office ... |
secondly | zweitens | ... and secondly at home after 8 pm. |
on second thoughts | bei näherer Untersuchung | Ob second thoughts we came to the conclusion ... |
finally | schließlich, letztendlich | He emigrated to Germany and finally settled down in Neuss. |
in conclusion | schließlich | In conclusion, we agree with your goal ... |
above all | vor allem (aber) | And above all he emphasised the necessity ... |
in spite of all | trotz aller; allem ... zum Trotz | In spite of all the trouble ... |
2. Connectives to add something / ideas:
English | German | Examples |
moreover | zudem, überdies, im übrigen | Moreover, an apple a day keeps the doctor away! |
further, furthermore | außerdem, weiterhin | Furthermore, a job in a big company is better than ... |
and | und | I like Sushi, and I like ... |
also | auch | I earn a lot of money, and my sister also has a good job. |
likewise | ebenfalls, ebenso | He is likewise very good at French. |
similarly | ähnlich, in ähnlicher Weise | Similarly, Apple experienced a boom ... |
equally | ebenso, in gleicher Weise | Equally, people dislike genetically modified food. |
too | auch | Cologne, too, has an interesting cultural scene. |
in the same manner, in the same way | In gleicher Weise | This must be kept secret in the same manner ... |
besides | außerdem, überdies | Besides (that), I have a good knowledge of French and Spanish. |
again (and again) | (immer) wieder | Again and again navigation devices were stolen out of cars. |
in addition | zusätzlich, ergänzend | In addition, we want two days more holiday. |
little by little | allmählich, nach und nach | Little by little, he English became better ... |
3. Connectives to reformulate something:
English | German | Examples |
in other words | mit anderen Worten | |
that means | das bedeutet | |
that is to say | das heißt | |
a better way of putting it is | um es besser auszudrücken | |
it would be better to say | besser wäre es zu sagen | |
4. Connectives to infer from something:
English | German | Examples |
in other words | mit anderen Worten, folglich | |
in that case | in diesem Fall | |
otherwise | ansonsten, sonst | |
this implies | das bedeutet, das hat zur Folge | |
frankly speaking | offen gesagt | |
5. Connectives to refer to something:
English | German | Examples |
with regard to | im Zusammenhang mit, in Bezug auf | |
referring to | unter Bezugnahme auf | |
with reference to | mit Verweis auf | |
as to, as for | hinsichtlich, was ... angeht | |
the latter | letzterer | |
the former | ersterer | |
6. Connectives to compare things / ideas:
English | German | Examples |
likewise | ebenso | |
both | | |
whereas the former (latter) | | |
but while the first (the second) | | |
similarly | | |
as ... as | | |
equally | | |
as well | | |
7. Connectives to express reason and purpose:
English | German | Examples |
therefore | | |
that is why | | |
for this (that) reason | | |
hence | | |
because | | |
so | | |
since | | |
as | | |
because of | | |
on account of | | |
so that | so daß | |
consequently | | |
8. Connectives to express a consequence or conclusion:
English | German | Examples |
hence | | |
consequently | | |
thus | | |
accordingly | | |
as a result | | |
it follows that | daraus folgt | |
9. Connectives to express concession:
English | German | Examples |
though, although | | |
even if | | |
even though | | |
besides | | |
anyhow, anyway | | |
in any case | | |
at any rate | | |
10. Connectives to express condition:
English | German | Examples |
if | | |
unless | | |
suppose that | | |
in case that | | |
provides that | | |
on the condition that | | |
11. Connectives to express place and space:
English | German | Examples |
on the right (left) | | |
to the right (left) | | |
nearby | | |
between | zwischen | |
among | | |
there | | |
here | | |
where | | |
in the distance | | |
straight ahead | | |
beside | | |
on the spot | | |
in the front | | |
in front of | | |
in the back | | |
in the middle | | |
12. Connectives to express time:
English | German | Examples |
when | wenn, wann, als | |
after | | |
before | | |
while | | |
now | | |
since | | |
as long as | | |
as soon as | | |
no sooner than | | |
subsequently | | |
as time goes on | | |
eventually | schließlich | |
initially | | |
previously | | |
recently | | |
momentarily | | |
at the same time | | |
meanwhile | | |
lately | | |
in the end | | |
at last | | |
at the moment | | |
in a moment | | |
day in day out | Tag ein, Tag aus | |
off and on | | |
from now on | | |
for the first time | zum ersten Mal | |
more than once | | |
time and again | | |
many a time | | |
often | | |
afterwards | | |
at length | | |
13. Connectives to express an opposing or limiting statement:
English | German | Examples |
but | aber; außer | |
however | jedoch | |
nevertheless | | |
otherwise | | |
on the other hand | | |
on the contrary | | |
yet | | |
still | | |
maybe | | |
perhaps | | |
instead | | |
except for | | |
inspite of, despite, inspite of the fact | trotz (der Tats.) | |
nenotheless | | |
apart from | | |