Deutsch ⇒ | Englisch |
Anatomie | anatomy |
Auge, ~n Augapfel Augenbraue, ~n Augenwimpern Augenwinkel | eye, ~s eyeball (eye)brow, ~s (eye)lashes corner of the eye |
Backen = Wangen Backenbart | cheeks whisker, ~s |
Bart | beard |
Bauch | belly, abdomen |
Bauchnabel | navel |
Becken | pelvis (pl.: pelvises, pelves) |
Bein | lag |
Bizeps | biceps |
blaues Auge | black eye |
Brust | bosom, breast [of a woman] |
Brustkorb | chest, thorax |
Daumen | thumb |
Ellbogen | elbow |
Faust | fist |
Ferse | heel |
Finger Fingernagel Fingerspitzen | finger fingernail fingertips, tips of the finger |
Fuß, Plural: Füße | foot, plural: feet |
Fußknöchel | ankle |
Fußnagel | toenail |
Gesäß | buttocks, behind |
Glatze | bald head, bald patch |
Gurgel | throat |
Haar | hair |
Hals | neck |
Hand Handfläche Handgelenk Handkante Handrücken | hand palm (of the hand) wrist edge of the hand back of the hand |
Haut | skin |
Hintern | bottom, buttocks, behind |
Hüfte | hip |
Iris | iris, plural: irides |
Kehle | throat |
kleine Finger | little finger |
Kinn | chin |
Knie | knee |
Knöchel | knuckle, ~s |
Kopf | head |
Lippe, ~n | lip, ~s |
Mittelfinger | middle finger |
Mund Mundwinkel | mouth corner of the mouth |
Nabel | navel |
Nacken | nape, back of the neck |
Nase Nasenflügel Nasenloch | nose ala/alar wing(s) of the nose nostril |
Oberarm | upper arm |
Oberschenkel | thigh |
Ohr Ohrläppchen | lobe(s), ear lobe, ~s |
Ringfinger | ring finger |
Rist | instep |
Rücken | back |
Rumpf | torso, trunk |
Schienbein | shin, shinbone |
Schläfe, ~n | temple, ~s |
Schlüsselbein | clavicle, collarbone |
Schneidezahn | incisor |
Schnurrbart | moustache, Am.: mustache |
Schulter | shoulder |
Sommersprosse(n) | freckle(s) |
Spann [des Fußes] | instep |
Sprunggelenk | ankle |
Statur | figure |
Stirn | forehead |
Stupsnase | snubnose |
Taille | midriff, waist |
Tränensack | tear sac, lacrimal sac |
Unterarm | forearm |
Unterschenkel | shank, lower leg |
Wade, ~n | calf, plural: calves |
Wange, ~n Wangenknochen | cheek, ~s cheekbone, ~s |
Wimpern | (eye)lashes |
Zahn, Pl.: Zähne | tooth, plural: teeth |
Zehe, ~n | toe, ~s |
Zeigefinger | forefinger, index finger |
Zunge | tongue |
English ⇒ | German |
ala / alar wing(s) of the nose | Nasenflügel |
anatomy | Anatomie |
ankle | Fußknöchel, Sprunggelenk |
back back of the hand back of the neck | Rücken Handrücken Nacken |
bald head bald patch | Glatze Teilglatze |
beard | Bart |
behind | Hintern, Po(po) |
belly | Bauch |
biceps | Bizeps |
black eye | blaues Auge |
bosom | Busen, Brust |
bottom | Hintern; Boden, Talsohle |
breast, ~s | Brust, Brüste |
buttocks | Hintern, Gesäß |
calf, plural: calves | Wade, Plural: Waden |
cheek, ~s cheekbone, ~s | Wange, ~n Wangenknochen |
chest | Brustkorb |
chin | Kinn |
clavicle | Schlüsselbein |
collarbone | Schlüsselbein |
corner of the mouth corner of the eye | Mundwinkel Augenwinkel |
ear, ~s ear lobe, ~s | Ohr, ~en Ohrläppchen |
edge of the hand | Handkante |
elbow | Ellbogen |
eye, ~s eyeball (eye)brow, ~s (eye)lashes corner of the eye | Auge, ~n Augapfel Augenbraue, ~n Augenwimpern Augenwinkel |
figure | Statur |
finger, ~s fingernail, ~s fingertips | Finger Fingernagel, Fingernägel Fingerspitzen |
fist | Faust |
foot, plural: feet | Fuß, Plural: Füße |
forearm | Unterarm |
forefinger | Zeigefinger |
forehead | Stirn |
freckle, ~s | Sommersprosse, ~n |
hair | Haar(e) |
hand | Hand |
head | Kopf |
heel | Ferse |
hip | Hüfte |
incisor | Schneidezahn |
index finger | Zeigefinger |
instep | Rist, Spann |
iris, plural: irides | Iris |
knuckle, ~s | Knöchel |
lacrimal sac | Tränensack |
lashes | Wimpern |
leg | Bein |
lip, ~s | Lippe, ~n |
little finger | kleiner Finger |
lobe | Ohrläppchen |
lower leg | Unterschenkel |
middle finger | Mittelfinger |
midriff | Taille |
mouth corner of the mouth | Mund Mundwinkel |
moustache, mustache | Schnurrbart |
nape (of the neck) | Nacken |
navel | Nabel, Bauchnabel |
neck | Hals |
nose nostril, ~s | Nase Nasenloch, Nasenlöcher |
palm (of the hand) | Handfläche |
pelvis (plural: pelvises) | Becken |
ring finger | Ringfinger |
shank | Unterschenkel |
shin, shinbone | Schienbein |
shoulder | Schulter |
skin | Haut |
snubnose | Stupsnase |
tear sac | Tränensack |
teeth | Zähne |
temple, ~s | Schläfe, ~n |
thigh | Oberschenkel |
thorax | Brustkorb |
throat | Gurgel, Kehle |
thumb | Daumen |
toe, ~s toenail | Zeh, ~en oder Zehe, ~n Fußnagel |
Zunge | Zunge |
tooth, plural: teeth | Zahn, Plural: Zähne |
torso | Rumpf |
trunk | Rumpf; Stamm, Rüssel etc. |
upper arm | Oberarm |
waist | Taille |
whiskers | Backenbart |
wrist | Handgelenk |