Reisekunst GmbH
Timothy Traveller
Ferienstraße 1
54321 Köln
11 November 2011
The Personnel Manager
First Travel Agents
20 Voyage Boulevard
Dear Sir
It is with great pleasure and confidence that I support the application of Ms A... B..... for the post of assistant travel agent with your company.
Before joining us as an apprentice she served a two-week internship in one of our branches where she showed great interest and empathy – so much indeed that we were glad she applied for a two-year apprenticeship after leaving school. In her dealings with our customers she has always been friendly, competent, and helpful. She is both knowledgeable and efficient, she is eager to learn and a good organiser. Her English is clearly above average.
Ms B..... will be an asset to your company. I expect her to soon get the promotion she deserves to manage a branch of her own.
Yours faithfully
Timothy Traveller
Personnel Manager